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A member registered Jul 27, 2016

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Here's your wishlist: Battlefield. The problems I have are 4, 6, 8, & 9. What the developer is trying to do is make sure players don't get too much privilege in FPS games, or is it'll turn into a cliche FPS where only the bots and the story is centered around YOU; he doesn't want that, he doesn't want you in the center of attention in this game, that's why the bots ignore you if you try to lead them, because, just like in real war, it isn't about you. If you want to group up, find a group to join and follow that. By the way, we don't need 6 because we already have helicopters with missiles (and a jeep), we don't need 4 because you get too much privilege and it's unrealistic, we don't need 8 because it isn't about you, and we don't need 9 because we don't want this game to be a choppy knockoff of Battlefield. The dev knows what he's doing, so he doesn't have to pay attention to anyone's CoD and Battlefield fantasies.

This game is awesome, I love it.

When is Beta 3 coming out, I'm really excited about it!

Oh sorry, I didn't know you suffered from mental retardation. Excuse me for trying to pick a fight with mentally disabled.

YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH! The game is free! That was just a donation suggestion if you want to donate to the guy who created the game you asshole! You don't deserve this game and I'm going to inform SteelRaven7 to make sure the game never reaches your IP address.

I absolutely love this game; a very realistic war simulator. Very intelligent AI, they're actually battling each other and getting in groups to fight. Honestly, this AI is way better then the ones in Battlefield and Call of Duty. Ragdoll-Physics are extremely accurate; when a bomb goes off far-near a person, it flies back instead of dying annoyingly immediately. I saw little to no bugs in this and the programming that was put into this game was very professional. I wish you guys luck into making this game!